Bridge Liberia donates books to Gamata Primary School to commemorate World Book Day
Another year to celebrate great minds who have contributed to learning through their writings while celebrating reading.
Each year on World Book and Copy Rights Day, a day set aside by the United Nations Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO), education stakeholders promote the reading culture while advocating for more to be done to avail reading materials to students in the classrooms especially in underprivileged communities.

Ounzuba Kemeh-Gama~ sponsor of Gamata Public School pictured with Bridge Liberia M.D.Gbovadeh Gbilia
This year, Bridge Liberia, the Liberian Government’s largest technical partner in the LEAP Program continues to donate books and learning materials.
This year, the Gamata Public School in Zorzor, in Lofa County stands as a benefactor to this initiative on World Book Day.
Bridge Liberia Managing Director Gbovadeh Gbilia on behalf of the organization presented a consignment of assorted reading materials to the school’s sponsor Ounzuba Kemeh-Gama.
Such intervention by Bridge Liberia will not only uplift teachers’ ability to properly nurture students, but will also give students access to academic books that they can use for various education purposes including reading, which will help them get on a learning path with other students around the world.
Since UNESCO issued a study in 2017 UNESCO 2017 Study disclosing that most children are not able to read well, due to several factors including the availability of books, education stakeholders like Bridge Liberia decided to turn things around for children, especially those in underprivileged communities.
As part of Bridge Liberia’s technical support to the over 300 Government schools under the LEAP Program, the organization prides itself with the provision of learning materials including books to all its supported schools.
The impact of such intervention is noted in the Learning in Liberia Report, which showed that students at Bridge Liberia supported schools could read 7 more words per minute and answer 6% more questions correctly about the story they just read. The Center for Global Development also found that Bridge Liberia supported students had reading gains equivalent to a whole additional year of schooling, when compared to other government schools, according to a randomized control trial conducted by the organization.
Ounzuba Kemeh-Gama, sponsor of the Gamata Public School in Zorzor who received the consignment of assorted books thanked the organization for its deliberate efforts to make a change in the education sector of the country.